10 rounds of:
10 pullups
20 pushups
30 squats
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes
7 handstand pushups
12 L-­pullups
50 squats
50 pullups
50 walking lunges
50 knees-­to­-elbows
5 handstand pushups
50 situps
5 handstand pushups
50 squats
50 pullups
100 squats
25 situps
100 squats
25 situps
100 squats
25 knees­-to-­elbows
100 squats
25 handstand pushups
2 rounds of:
35 squats
35 knees­to­elbows
35 squats
35 situps
35 lunges
35 squats
21­-18­-15-­12­-9­-6-­3 of:
7 rounds of:
35 squats
25 pushups
15 pullups
21­-15-­9 reps of:
Body blasters (burpee­pullup­knees­to­
box jump burpees
Belushi burpees (on jump turn 180 degrees)
Burpee Jacks (plank jack to jumping jack)
(Source: Robert Pierce)
3 rounds of:
100 squats
25 L­pullups
30 handstand pushups
5 rounds of:
9 handstand pushups
9 pullups
3 rounds with 2:00 rests between each
50 squats
30 pullups
40 pushups
50 squats
21 pullups
50 squats
21 knees­to­elbows
18 pullups
50 squats
18 knees­to­elbows
15 pullups
50 squats
15 knees­to­elbows
12 pullups
50 squats
12 knees­to­elbows
20 pieces of Angie
20 rounds of:
5 pullups
5 pushups
5 situps
5 squats
(Source: Crossfit PC)
100 squats
21 handstand pushups
30 pullups
100 squats
30 pullups
21 handstand pushups
100 squats